Copyright means the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works including software, database, technical drawings, maps, books, music, paintings, photograph, architecture, sculpture, and films, advertisements…
Developing countries tend to have lower IP indexes than developed countries. However, with the integration into the global economy through signing trade agreements, the bar for protection of life sciences IP, copyrighted content online, and enforcement against IP theft have been raised in developing countries including Vietnam because it realizes the benefits it brings. Hence, Vietnam has reviewed and changed its IP law in a way that better protect copyrights in Vietnam.
We are a copyright consultant in Vietnam with lawyers having suitable qualifications and experience to assist client from application, protection, and dispute handling process.
+ Relevant Documents:
+ Time to obtain the certificate of writing work copyright: 5-10 days
Software in Vietnam is protected under copyright, but invention as in some countries.
+ Documents required for protecting software copyright in Vietnam:
+ Time to obtain certificate of software copyright: 5-10 days.
+ Required documents:
+ Time to obtain the certificate of art work copyright: 5-10 day
This article provides advice on how to protect your copyright in Vietnam, through a system that exists under the Berne Convention, adopted in 1886 and joined by Vietnam in 2004.
Through the enactment of law, decrees and circulars, including 17 government decrees and 19 ministerial and inter-ministerial circulars, Vietnam’s intellectual property legal system has moved closer to the intellectual property systems of developed countries, while achieving standards set by intellectual property treaties.
Law 50/2005/QH11 of November 29, 2005, on Intellectual Property, was recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as the main intellectual property law adopted by Vietnam.
This law was amended by Law 36/2009/QH12 of June 19, 2009 (Law 36), which revised several articles of the Law on Intellectual Property. In 2018, the Vietnamese Government issued Decree 22/2018/ND-CP (Decree 22), replacing Decree 100/2006/ND-CP with updated guidelines for numerous articles focusing on copyright under the Civil Code and the Law on Intellectual Property. The decree entered into effect on April 10, 2018.